Glow for Jesus:
Let Your Light Shine
Each year during a full week in August, all three of the area Episcopal churches get together to offer Vacation Bible School to each church's children and to the community. St. Martin's, Bruton Parish and Hickory Neck clergy, lay professionals and parishioners collaborate to write the curriculum and to be in charge of a center during VBS. This year we will focus on Glow For Jesus: Let Your Light Shine. Through story, song, crafts, activities and snacks our goal is to provide children a fun and learning-filled experience while helping them to follow the examples of Jesus--how he healed with words, spoke his thoughts cleasrly, listened intently, gave advise only when asked, and most importantly showed his love for God and his fellow human. .
Vacation Bible School 2017 is in the works and will be held at Bruton Parish Church. The three Williamsburg combined Episcopal churches always hold VBS in August --this year the 7th through the 11th. If you're interested in helping with the design and implementation of VBS, please call Ann Meyer at St. Martin's 757-229-1111. We'd love to have your help. Email Ann as well with this link.
Vacation Bible School 2017 is in the works and will be held at Bruton Parish Church. The three Williamsburg combined Episcopal churches always hold VBS in August --this year the 7th through the 11th. If you're interested in helping with the design and implementation of VBS, please call Ann Meyer at St. Martin's 757-229-1111. We'd love to have your help. Email Ann as well with this link.
Christian Formation
Christian Formation
St. Martin's recognizes that Christian formation or Christian education is a life-long process and therefore, offers a variety of opportunities for the growth and education of all parishioners from childhood through adulthood. We coordinate the overall educational program, identify resources within the parish, provide support for church school teachers, initiate programs and activities, as well as publicize opportunities both within and outside the parish. Please take a brief moment to learn more about our programs as we extend the invitation for you to join us. For more information contact Ann Meyer
Faith Formation
Faith Formation Resource Website
A go-to site for folks who want to learn more about the Episcopal Church, nurture their spirituality, practice retreats at their desks, and grow their faith for themselves, their families and others they love. and check it out!!!
What Is The Place of Money in a Believer's Life?
Religious people often think humility is their way to accept the Lord into their hearts. However, it is human nature to improve their quality of life. But it's important to keep our hearts under control and always track what place money and possessions take in our lives. As money can easily become an idol, you need to determine what your real motivation is and understand self-realization in a Christian way.
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Religious people often think humility is their way to accept the Lord into their hearts. However, it is human nature to improve their quality of life. But it's important to keep our hearts under control and always track what place money and possessions take in our lives. As money can easily become an idol, you need to determine what your real motivation is and understand self-realization in a Christian way.
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