The goal of the program is
to provide diverse opportunities for today's youth
to develop their own faith and spirituality,
learn about God,
forge lasting friendships,
experience the grace of the Holy Spirit,
and go out into the world as advocates of peace and justice.
St. Martin's Episcopal Youth Community (EYC)

The St. Martin’s Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is a family of youth and adult companions who enjoy, encourage and support each other. All students in grades six through twelve are welcome to be part of the EYC, which offers a wide range of gatherings and events that are fun and exciting. There is also time built into our times together for reflection, worship and community service.
Our Youth Group brings St. Martin's youth and their friends (6th grade through 12th grade) together for fun, fellowship, and outreach. Traditionally the group meets in Miles Hall but often they meet outside the church grounds. During the school year, they get together usually on Sundays anywhere between 2pm and 6pm and at other times throughout the week depending on the activity planned. There are always special events, trips and parties on the calendar to help us celebrate life and stay connected . . . to God, to each other and to ourselves. Friendships that develop in EYC are likely to last a lifetime.
We begin with prayer, followed by an activity, and end in dinner together. The activities are related to Scripture or Biblical principles and sometimes current events or situations in which the youth are interested or in which the youth find themselves. Some of our favorite activities throughout the year include bowling, movie nights, making and taking Valentines to our local VA Hospital on the Sunday before Valentines Day, making care packages for members of Youth Group who have graduated and are now new college freshmen, ice skating, participating in St. Paul’s Homeless Ministry in Newport News, lock-ins, Family Feud and Minute-to-Win-It game nights, helping our older parishioners by doing tasks around their homes and yards, and more. Our Rector and Associate Rector are frequent attendees of our gatherings.
No Pressure Here

In EYC no one will tell you what you must believe. We’re much more interested in questions of faith than in making sure youth memorize “the right answer.” We all take part in creating a sacred space together where people can trust and share without fear of judgment. We talk about real issues and share our doubts and concerns. No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. But, we are committed to holding each other up and being there for each other.
We are blessed with a team of dedicated volunteer leaders who love our youth and willingly share their time, energy and resources to help nurture everyone who participates. Our clergy also come to youth group at least once a month if not more often. Even more important, EYC has students in each grade who are committed to this community.
Anyone in the 6th through 12th grades is automatically a member of St. Martin’s EYC Youth Group. Come to see what we have to offer. The events and resources are dynamic and provide diverse opportunities for today’s youth to develop their own faith and spirituality, learn about God, forge lasting friendships, experience the grace of the Holy Spirit, and go out into the world as advocates of peace and justice.
We are blessed with a team of dedicated volunteer leaders who love our youth and willingly share their time, energy and resources to help nurture everyone who participates. Our clergy also come to youth group at least once a month if not more often. Even more important, EYC has students in each grade who are committed to this community.
Anyone in the 6th through 12th grades is automatically a member of St. Martin’s EYC Youth Group. Come to see what we have to offer. The events and resources are dynamic and provide diverse opportunities for today’s youth to develop their own faith and spirituality, learn about God, forge lasting friendships, experience the grace of the Holy Spirit, and go out into the world as advocates of peace and justice.
The Diocese of Southern Virginia's Episcopal Youth Community . . .

EYC is bigger than just our church. As part of the Diocese of Southern Virginia, we enjoy participating with other parishes whenever possible. There are a number of diocesan events that many of us attend each year. Some of our favorite Diocese of Southern Virginia EYC events include New Beginnings Retreat (for middle school students), Happening (for high school students), October weekend, and various summer weeks at Camp Chanco, our Diocesan Retreat Center. Click HERE to visit the Diocese’s youth website and read more detailed descriptions of what Southern Virginia offers young people.